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Voip News.

The power of imagination is unlimited.

How is your home-based broadband coping with hybrid working?

As many businesses embrace hybrid working home broadband has taken a pounding.

In the main, home broadband is the equivalent of travelling economy class – you don’t pay much so you don’t expect much. You get what you’ve paid for – an internet connection that is ‘ok’ at providing connectivity for everything you need. Yes, you get a bit of lag once the kids are online gaming and streaming TV at the same time (and once the neighbours are home), but that’s just one of those things. Except, it doesn’t have to be ‘just one of those things’.

‘Laggy’ and unreliable broadband may be an acceptable drag while using our home devices, but is it acceptable for work?

Many of us will have been making do for the past 18 months and accepting that home working has certain inefficiencies. However, looking to the future is this what you want for your business? Will you and your workers be less efficient at home or will you expect the same productivity wherever you’re working? As the kids look forward to a long summer holiday chances are some of it will be spent at home on devices while home-based workers suffer the misery of slow internet connectivity… And don’t forget all the neighbours who are working at home and streaming the Olympics at the same time..

Do you want economy connectivity or a business grade solution?

First, let’s explain how it works. The most common home fibre broadband uses fibre optic cables from the telephone exchange to a large cabinet in your street – you’ve probably seen the large green boxes dotted about. The broadband signal is relayed via a copper wire from the telephone exchange to your property. Once inside your property the broadband will be allocated via a standard router (usually via Wifi) and indiscriminately distributed amongst all householders and all devices – the router doesn’t care if you have a tight deadline to hit!

Providers of home broadband rely on price as their main incentive – they realise that users are shopping around and want to appear the best (aka the cheapest). Yes, some questions may be asked about speeds and reliability, but they know they’re in a competitive market so need to offer solutions that are ‘ok’ and seemingly good value. And yes, these solutions are good enough for home device use, but often not ok for business use.

Unlike other utilities, such as water, gas and electricity, broadband isn’t the same whoever is providing it, and yet many of us shop for internet as we would any other utility – by price alone. However, as we’ve alluded to so far, all internet products are not the same, therefore shopping by price alone doesn’t guarantee a service that will be suitable for business use.

So, what’s the next grade up from home broadband?

ADSL (copper broadband) or FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet). These options still rely on the telephone exchange but broadband is delivered directly to a cabinet outside of your property. From the cabinet standard copper telephone line will deliver the broadband into the property. For the best results an ‘Ethernet Router’ will be used within the home and connecting your business devices directly ‘hardwired’ to the router – a wire connects your device to the router, eliminating any shortfalls of Wifi reach.

Business users within the home setting benefit significantly from this type of dedicated business broadband – no more sharing precious bandwidth or WiFi with family or the wider community allowing consistently strong and reliable broadband with faster speeds.

IT security is also greatly improved. Whilst we don’t feel the benefits of this on an hourly basis, ensuring that all your home workers have the same vital security wherever they’re working will help to reduce the risk and impact of a security breach.

Unfortunately, breaches are way more commonplace than anyone would like with cybercriminals taking advantage of remote working vulnerabilities, so ensuring a high level of security across the board is essential. Service Level Agreements (SLA) are also a valuable inclusion to business broadband packages. Want any issues resolve ASAP? Refer to your SLA – not something usually included with home broadband where you’re at the mercy of their vast, but not necessarily responsive or personal, customer service team.

If you’re considering upgrading you and your staff to business broadband place your order now for delivery within a couple of weeks – just in time for the school holidays. £30 per month will ensure you have super-reliable, dedicated, efficient, and fast business broadband, whoever is at home!

Need an exclusive leaseline to your home?

For those for whom first class is not enough, there is a final option – FTTP (Fibre To The Property). This gives you a direct optical connection from the cabinet to the router on your own fibre, eliminating any areas for potential speed restrictions. Extra construction is needed to cater for this option, and the lead time is from between 2 weeks to 3 months, but it will be worth it if your business employees demand the very fastest and most reliable internet connectivity.

Whichever option you choose, Voip Unlimited can get you there. If you want to be treated like a VIP with internet provision and service that are first class, we can help. Whilst we supply business broadband to Formula One teams, we also cater for one-man-bands and everything in between. Prices are highly competitive with other business broadband providers and yet service is personal and 24/7 – you won’t be transferred to a call centre abroad. You’ll also be able to claim the tax back – business broadband is classed as a business expense. And rest assured that the connectivity you’ll receive is exceptional and ideal for those with businesses that want to always maintain productivity.

If you want to be treated like a VIP with internet provision and service that are first class, we can help. Whilst we supply business broadband to Formula One teams, we also cater for one-man-bands and everything in between. Prices are highly competitive with other business broadband providers and yet service is personal and 24/7 – you won’t be transferred to a call centre abroad. You’ll also be able to claim your dedicated business broadband as a business expense. Rest assured that the connectivity you’ll receive is exceptional and ideal for those with businesses that want to always maintain productivity.

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