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Voip Unlimited begins a new year of support for The Brain Tumour Charity in 2016

Poole-based telecommunications firm Voip Unlimited has chosen The Brain Tumour Charity to remain as its charity partner of the year. The company has been supporting the charity since 2014 and employees have taken part in various fundraising initiatives, including everything from office dress down days to the London Marathon.

Voip Unlimited donated a 100 user phone system to the charity’s newly refurbished offices

Voip Unlimited aims to work just as hard for The Brain Tumour Charity in 2016, with staff planning to take part in a 100mile ultramarathon and an all-night charity football match later in the year. What’s more, the company has just finished re-cabling the charity’s newly refurbished offices and donated a 100 user phone system, so it can upgrade its data supply to an Ethernet line.

Geraldine Pipping, head of fundraising at The Brain Tumour Charity said:
“Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of the under 40s and survival rates have not improved over the last 40 years. “We are leading the way in changing this, fighting brain tumours on all fronts by funding world-class research as well as offering support and information. We receive no government funding and rely 100 per cent on voluntary donations, so it’s only through the generous donations and help from companies like Voip Unlimited that we can change these shocking statistics in the future and bring hope to the thousands of people who are diagnosed with a brain tumour every year.” “This week we’ve been putting the final touches to our newly refurbished offices and thanks to the kind donation of goods and time the charity’s received from Voip Unlimited, we now have a space we can use to continue our work of doubling survival and halving the harm caused by this devastating disease. “We can’t wait to use the new phone system in 2016 and all the benefits to our working that it will bring.”

Mark Pillow, managing director at Voip Unlimited, said:

“Voip Unlimited is dedicated to continuing its support of The Brain Tumour Charity in its work to fight brain tumours and save lives. In 2015, we pledged to donate a phone system and re-cable the charity’s new offices – so my team is feeling proud to have already achieved this at the start of a new year.”

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